About Us
A guiding principle that industrial designer Susanne Mossal-Wagner has taken to heart in her drafts and product designs since her student days.
After working for many years in a company specializing in outdoor fitness/outdoor furniture for public spaces, she is familiar with the needs, problems and requirements of this segment. As part of her association activities for IAKS Germany, she passes on the experience she has gained to members in seminars and lectures and is one of the group of experts in the field of sports, play and leisure facilities.
In the course of climate change, pandemic restrictions and the worsening climate, residence and movement situation in urban areas, the vision of how future open space design and the necessary solutions emerged.
This sparked the idea for FLEXDEX®, a start-up specializing in temporary, platform-based design solutions for public spaces with special attention to climatic, health, social and societal aspects.
In late summer 2022, the founding of FLEXDEX®turned this forward-looking idea into reality, and the first products were already presented at Galabau in September.
The story
Motivated by customer requests to make the not yet existing possible, coupled with a big pinch of enthusiasm for new things in economically stormy times, I founded FLEXDEX®. With the goal of bringing people into contact and movement and making gray inner cities a little greener, more livable, Flexdex GmbH has been developing terrace-like platforms with superstructures since the fall of 2022 that enhance cities, make them greener, cooler and quieter, and encourage social interaction, communication and movement.
Made in germany
For years, the professional focus has been on the development, planning, production and implementation of projects, sports and play equipment, urban furniture.
Whether outdoor, indoor or on roofs: The solutions are always flexible, creative, exciting, durable and safe! Special solutions provide welcome variety in everyday work ...
FLEXDEX® follows climate targets, pays attention to sustainable and local production in Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia - always 100% made in Germany.
Developer, Designer, Marketer, Distributor

Susanne Mossal-Wagner
Executive management and creative (developer) head

A sales professional
Innitiative application welcome!